Qsbacwebtile Mature

The recently released Big Plans for Small Business Strategy aims to create the right environment for strong and resilient small businesses now and into the future. This includes a targeted small business engagement framework that incorporates reinvigorating the Queensland Small Business Advisory Council (QSBAC).

The QSBAC focuses on significant challenges for small businesses related to business growth, sustainability and employment. Members provide advice and solutions to its Chair, the Honourable Di Farmer MP, Minister for Employment and Small Business and Minister for Training and Skills Development.

The Department of Employment, Small Business and Training is seeking expressions of interest for 8 to 10 small business owners, including social enterprises, to join the QSBAC to be a voice for small business and provide advice to make sure the Big Plans for Small Business Strategy is delivering results for Queensland small businesses.

Positions are voluntary and not remunerated. Costs to fulfil the responsibilities of the role to attend meetings are met by the Department of Employment, Small Business and Training.

The EOI process aims to secure a diverse mix with representation from priority audiences and specific industry sectors. This is a great opportunity for Queensland small business owners to provide direct advice to make sure the Big Plans for Small Business Strategy is delivering results for Queensland small businesses.

Applicants will:

  • be selected based on their skills and lived experience as a small business owner and their ability to advocate for their industry and community.
  • be required to demonstrate their influence and action in their community with a focus on achievements that show support for local issues and solutions.
  • need to demonstrate connection to their nominated industry, such as membership of networks and associations.
  • need to identify what they see as the top three challenges for their industry and community along with views on how to work with government to address these.

Expressions of interest are open and will be accepted up to 5.00pm on Tuesday 27 July 2021.