Shop Lady

Do you have any staff you would like to upskill? Take advantage of our special offer!

All part-time and casual employees are invited to participate in the following workshops at no cost, that’s right FREE*!

Customer Service Workshop
Being a successful retail salesperson is more than just describing products and services.
The National Retail Association (NRA) can help you be at the forefront of your retail career with our one day interactive and practical Customer Service workshop.
We will show you how to develop a comprehensive understanding of customers’ needs and establish long-term relationships and mutual trust with customers.

Date:                17 February 2016
Time:                9.00am to 4.00pm
Venue:              NRA Head Office
Course Flyer:    Click here
Register:           For more information or to register please click here.

Store Merchandising and Display Workshop
This interactive and practical hands on training explores the principles of visual merchandising. The skills to develop a comprehensive understanding required to merchandise products within a retail store, identify requirements for displays, develop display ideas and plan and build displays.

Date:                23 February 2016
Time:               9.00am to 4.00pm
Venue:             NRA Head Office
Course Flyer:   Click here
Register:          For more information or to register please click here.

If you have any questions, please contact the National Retail Association Training Team on 1800 732 066.

*Offer only available on the courses listed here and for eligible students. Call us on 1800 732 066 for more information around eligibility.