Megaphone Woman

Safe Work Australia is currently holding a consultation process to examine the role of chemical exposure standards and how they can be reviewed and maintained.

Exposure standards refer to the airborne concentration of individual chemicals in the worker’s breathing zone which should not cause adverse health effects or undue discomfort to nearly all workers.

Exposure standards are specified in the model of Work Health and Safety Regulations as mandatory legal limits to protect the health of workers and minimise exposure to chemicals in the workplace.

The consultation process is particularly interested in:

  • how exposure standards are currently used;
  • the impacts of compliance for businesses and workers;
  • the role of exposure standards in the regulatory framework; and
  • how Australia’s exposure standards can be reviewed and maintained in a timely and efficient way.

More information can be found in the Safe work Australia Discussion Paper

The NRA is interested in hearing your views for inclusion in a submission. Click here to provide us with your feedback. Submissions close 18 December 2015.