circular economy

Written by Worlds Biggest Garage Sale

Currently there is a groundswell of enthusiasm for the Circular Economy in Australia, particularly in Queensland and this week, as part of International Women’s Day, I’ll be talking about the building of circular economies for advancing Australia’s SDG   2030 Agenda at the University of Queensland.

The humble garage sale, that started as a hobby back in 2013, has come a long way, with our Australian culture (and weather), providing the perfect opportunity for scaled growth in the community for activation of the second-hand circular economy. Coupled with the popularity of series’ like ‘Tidying up with Marie Kondo’, we’ve seen a rise in decluttering, meaning the time has arrived to provide retail mechanisms for the circulation of these valuable goods, that while no longer sparking joy for their previous owner, will likely ‘spark joy’ for someone new!

Strongly aligned with SDG12, WBGS is focused on the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), action (‘the doing’) and multi-stakeholder partnerships for the achievement of all SDGs. And with that said, our World’s Biggest Garage Sale events are only made possible through the relationships we build with fellow businesses – multi-stakeholder engagement is key. We embark on these relationships with the intention of mutual benefit and collaboration and in the spirit of co-opetition.

Our mission is to provide positive impact on people’s lives and the future of the planet through the events and experiences we create. Our partners have found that by joining forces with WBGS they can enhance their company’s profile and brand, engage new audiences, boost employee morale and productivity via Corporate Volunteering and ultimately achieve their CSR goals.

And the reality is, in order for the SDGs to be realised by 2030 (the ambitious goal set by the United Nations), it’s going to take a global effort, with a local grassroots foundation and a realisation that we are more connected than we are divided – we   all impact one another, and businesses can dovetail more sustainably into others. As stated at a UN press conference by former Secretary-General of the United Nations, Ban Ki-moon: “We will need all partners to make this a success.”

Multi-stakeholder partnerships between government, the private sector and communities are the foundation for success. And at WBGS  we  don’t  take  these words lightly. We’re joining forces with global and local partnerships in the spirit of cooperation and co-opetition to bring the circular economy to life in Australia and do our part to help achieve the SDGs by 2030.

What started with us dancing solo all the way back in 2013, now sees us standing alongside others, in a movement that is far bigger than anything we could have done on our own.

This YouTube clip really resonates with us, with us feeling a lot like this ‘lone nut’, until we had the ‘first followers’ enable the movement – How to start a movement | Derek Sivers

If you want to explore what it means to be part of this journey we’re on (and trust   me, you won’t want to be left behind not dancing), please get in touch with us today.