Single Use Plastic Topic

The Single-use and Other Plastic Products (Waste Avoidance) Bill 2020 was introduced to Parliament on 30 April 2020. This Bill prohibits the sale, supply and distribution of certain single-use plastic products and establishes a framework for adding other products in the future.

Key elements of the proposed legislation include:

  • Single-use plastic item = “means a product designed or intended to be used once or for a limited number of times before being disposed of.”
  • “Plastic means a material made from, or comprising, organic polymers, whether plant extracts or of fossil fuel origin” (ie. compostable items are not exempt from the ban)
  • Items banned:
      • single‑use plastic drinking straws, cutlery, beverage stirrers
      • expanded polystyrene cup, bowl, plate, clamshell container
      • oxo-degradable plastic products
  • Exempt items:
      • Via regulation – straws provided to a customer upon request (aimed at providing access to those with medical need)
  • Timing:
      • The Minister indicated intention for the Bill to come into effect 6 months of passing.

See the full details of the Bill here >

Feedback on the draft legislation, received via submissions and raised at the Single-Use Plastics Stakeholder Taskforce. The National Retail Association is an active member of the Taskforce.

The National Retail Association supports the intent of the Bill but we have raised our strong concerns regarding the definition of single-use, exemptions which may increase issues for those with a disability, exclusion of compostable alternatives and timing considerations, especially given the pandemic. See our recent submission.


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The National Retail Association is extensively involved in sustainability initiatives, including lightweight plastic bags and other single-use plastics bans across all jurisdictions. We represent retailer perspectives and ultimately encourage national consistency to prevent negative impacts and confusion. 

The NRA Policy Team are active members of the SA Government’s Single-Use Plastics Taskforce, as well as taskforces in other jurisdictions.

Retailers seeking more information, clarification or personalised advice on how to successfully manage sustainability initiatives should contact the NRA Policy team at