20151218 Ato

The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) is transforming the way that they work in an attempt to give taxpayers, staff and stakeholders the best possible experience with tax and superannuation systems.

A major driver for this transformation is the community’s growing expectations around government services being simpler, faster and easier to use. Digital services are evolving rapidly and are becoming the preferred way to interact with government agencies.

The ATO is consulting with all segments of the community to better understand what a suitable transition period would be to transfer to digital services, how well existing support services meet the community’s needs and any other concerns that may exist.

A consultation paper has been released, inviting feedback on the Digital by default initiative and how the community will be supported during the move to digital services.

Click here to read a copy of the consultation paper or provide your feedback to the ATO here

The opportunity to provide feedback closes on 15 January 2015.