Visa Application

The Working Holiday visa program in Australia is a great way for young people aged between 18 and 30 to visit Australia and earn some money while they’re here. It’s quick, easy and cheap to apply for if you’re from one of the countries party to an agreement with Australia.

So why does the 417 leave so many employers confused about what the visa holder can do? Like most visas, the finer details are hard to find and not widely publicised.

The key details to the 417 which most people may know:

  • you need to be aged between 18 and 30 to apply;
  • you need to be from a country party to an agreement to be able to apply;
  • the visa will last for a period of one year;
  • the visa can be extended for second year if visa holder works regionally for three months during the first year;
  • the visa holder can work anywhere in Australia;
  • the visa holder can only work for each employer for a period of six months.

What people often don’t know:

  • you can only work for one employer for six months regardless of whether it’s full-time, part-time or casual;
  • once you have been granted a second working visa you can work for a previous employer again for a further six months;
  • you cannot include family in a working holiday visa application, it’s only valid for one person;
  • you cannot apply for the first visa in Australia;
  • 417 visa holders have rights under Australian workplace law;
  • employees should keep a record of their pay to assist them in applying for a second working holiday visa;
  • working holiday visa holders should be paid an appropriate wage, governed either by the minimum standard or the appropriate award;
  • workers can only be granted the first working holiday visa once, if it’s used accidently or the applicant swaps visas, it cannot be used again.

The Australian immigration system can be confusing due to all of the intricate detailed regulations and policy created to support the legislation. If you’re unsure about how to process a visa application call the National Retail Association Hotline on 1800 738 245 and speak to our Registered Migration Agent for qualified advice.